Masterclass “Presentation Excellence”
Together with event director and production expert Chris Cuhls, I developed the Masterclass “Presentation Excellence”. This Masterclass for anyone wishing to improve their presentation skills in front of an audience. Our approach is to make your presentation a dialogue between you and your audience that is fun for both parties. The two day Masterclass covers multiple aspects of you as a human being (body…
Better Presentations – Mirror Neurons
I just published the fifth and last article “Better Presentations – Mirror Neurons” about how neural processes in our brain control the perception of ourselves and others. You can read the full article on Chris Cuhl’s blog. This article is currently available in German only.
Besser Präsentieren – Rhetorik
Als “Kunst der Rede” stellt die Rhetorik die Mittel bereit Ihre Zuhörer verbal von Ihren Aussagen zu überzeugen. Sie wird auch die “Wissenschaft vom wirksamen Reden” genannt und stellt ein Transportmittel für die zu vermittelnden Inhalte dar. Ob dieses Transportmittel ein schicker, schneller und effizienter Sportwagen oder ein alter, rostiger und stinkender Lastwagen ist, liegt an Ihnen…
Better Presentations – Breathing & Voice
I just published my third article “Better Presentations – Breathing & Voice” in a series of articles about how to improve your presentation skills, featured on Chris Cuhl’s blog, which is a highly recommended read if you are in the event business. This article is currently available in German only.
Better Presentations – Body Language
I just published my second article “Better Presentations – Body Language” in a series of articles about how to improve your presentation skills, featured on Chris Cuhl’s blog, which is a highly recommended read if you are in the event business. This article is currently available in German only.
Better Presentations – HOW before WHAT
I recently published my first article “Better Presentations – HOW before WHAT” in a series of articles about how to improve your presentation skills, featured on Chris Cuhl’s blog, which is a highly recommended read if you are in the event business. This article is currently available in German only.
Being a coach for acting, impro and presentation skills, I’m offering individual coaching solutions as well as workshops for a personal branding process and communication skills. For information about my workshops, please select the “Workshops” category.